You may have one burning desire for your life right now, or you may have a few goals in mind.
Maybe there’s a certain feeling you’ve drifted away from and would like to get back to.
Maybe you’re just lost and don’t know what you want.
It’s easy to get derailed and flustered when the world around you is so uncertain and offers more distractions than support.
These questions will help you get unstuck and take some key steps to achieve whatever you want and to feel better now and about your future.

Question 1: What is your ideal destination?
Describe your desire, or each goal you have, or that feeling with as much detail as possible. Create a vision for yourself that includes all that would exist upon arrival.
If lost is how you feel, what would be in front of you if you weren’t lost?
What would life look like, sound like, smell like, taste like, feel like to the touch and within your soul?
Where do you want your focus to be? Get super clear because what you focus on is what you head toward.
In sports we are taught to aim and focus. If you play baseball or softball, it isn’t first base you aim your throw at, or even your teammate covering the bag. Your aim needs to be more precise than that. It’s their glove that you set your eyes on.
I’m trying to be more bold surfing, charging for bigger and more powerful waves. When I aim to catch a wave, it’s the face of the wave, left or right, to which I must turn my eyes and attention. If I look down at my surfboard, like one might think you should, I will at best bottom out and miss a great opportunity for that bold ride, but more likely I’ll nose-dive…and with the size of wave that I’m going for, that could turn into a serious ripping, churning, flipping wipeout. (No worries, Mom….)
So whatever your goal is, or however you want to feel, put a pin on a target. Get your eyes on the face of your wave.
Write down your desire and describe it so vividly that it persists in your mind always.
For my reader who still feels lost:
Gift yourself grace, time and space; sit in quiet and let yourself feel the longing. Open your mind and heart to inspiration from your day dreams, night dreams, nature, music, art, conversations, people you admire. Be curious about what there is for you in this world, what you might be surprisingly attracted to, and what might call to you.

Question 2: What do you want to embrace?
- Take a moment to express gratitude for anyone and anything that is supportive of, or contributive to your current success and well-being.
- Congratulate yourself for good habits you have put into place to help yourself advance and achieve many goals so far. (Yeah, don’t forget you HAVE accomplished some things.)
I am proud of the boldness I’ve already shown, catching waves over my head already; I’m not overly ambitious. I am grateful that my family also surfs so I’ve got two supporters and great models to watch.
- Consider what else would help you.
Is there a class you’ve longed to enroll in, a book or guide you’ve been encouraged to read, a mentor you’ve felt like reaching out to, a coach or counselor who you believe could serve as a helpful sounding-board and guide?
I am a visual person, so frequently watching surf videos and other talented surfers in the line-up helps me tremendously.
- Also important….are there any realities you need to accept?
Realities like — baby steps are OK….progress can be acceptable without perfection….timelines can change….point break waves are super-challenging!
- Embrace your worthiness, hold on to your boundaries, and show yourself love and compassion every step of the way.

Question 3: What do you want to be free from?
What’s discouraging for you right now? What is keeping you stuck?
Who are the naysayers in your life that you would be better off to avoid? Who is trying to hold you back?
What’s draining you? What distracts you and gets you out of flow?
What can you let go of that is not so important or that someone else can handle?
Where are the toxins in your life and how can you protect yourself?
Do you need to get help to rise up from depression, let go of fear, leave a toxic relationship or job, repair a relationship that still holds potential, ditch guilt, ditch sugar?
Wherever you feel trapped, examine your resources and your outs.
Now don’t focus on and keep complaining about these things. Shift your attention to what you want and what is available for you.
Now, you’re ready to recalibrate.
Take a deep breath, or a few. Return your thoughts to question #1, and with your newly recharged mindset, write down your big desire, or the small goals, or that feeling you want to embody.
Make yourself an action plan to get on track. This goal-setting post will help as will this printable Holistic Wellness Inventory and Goal Setting Worksheet.
Plan your days around your desires. Of course you have other people in life to think of, but you are a consciencious person, and you can do right by yourself as well as others.
Write out that vision and add a creative touch:
- You could create a collage of photos, symbols, headlines, captions, or bits of text that remind you and keep you motivated.
- You could draw, paint or sculpt a scene of your vision that can be displayed in a prominent place.
- You could use watercolors to create a flowy background for affirmations or inspiring quotes that match with your goals, desires or that feeling you crave.
- You could make a mind map with your goal or that feeling in the center and each stem reminding you of a component or a step to take.
- You could write a poem or a song that can ring in your head, help you achieve flow, and tune out toxic noise around you.
Always consider how you can further refine your plans. What obstacles just reveal the needs for little systems to be put in place? Have a mind for troubleshooting, not giving up.
As always, if you need help or support taking actions with any of these steps, I’m here for you. Just get in touch with me HERE.

Hi! I’m Jennifer, your life, love and wellness coach! I help men, women and couples figure out what’s keeping them from being happy and healthy so they can overcome those blocks and determine and implement steps to truly improve their lives, relationships, and physical and mental health. I’m a certified Professional Life Coach and Holistic Health Coach with a background in professional counseling. I’m ready to help you.
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