This is an excerpt from my FREE eguide for couples “5 Ways to Revitalize and Safeguard Your Relationship”. Click the link or the photo to grab the eguide now and start living in love.

It doesn’t seem like the world today has much of a family focus. Bosses want employees to love work more than life and family. There are so many societal pressures to do, do, do. Outsiders may lack respect for commitment and overstep their bounds. Couples are pulled apart more than supported and lifted up. Divorce rates remain high. Add these stresses to a struggling relationship and you’ve got….well, you know, don’t you?
How are things going in your relationship?
Do you remember when you first met and how that spark became a fire?
I imagine things were pretty intense, you spent a lot of time together, and you probably couldn’t keep your hands off each other. Then maybe you took it to the next level and moved in together or got married.
And now you might be wondering where all that passion went.
Or maybe you’re relationship is just fine….but you’d like it be a little more than “just fine”.
When you get married or move in together, excitement tends to wane as you no longer have to make great efforts to plan to meet each other; ordinary activities of life (such as housekeeping and making money) are more front and center, along with your daily routines being exposed (flossing and shaving in front of each other); and there’s no hiding when you’re tired, stressed or grumpy and expected to always be together at home.
Plus, as life together becomes routine, it’s easy to forget the little things you used to do for each other and say to each other. The specialness seems to recede, and you start taking each other for granted.
Luckily there are ways to keep the passion burning in your relationship.
I created this guide to give couples like you a good start.
In my guide you’ll discover how to be better partners, find more happiness and fulfillment with each other, have more peace in your relationship, fall back in love, and create deeper intimacy. You’ll see how to rekindle your fizzled flames or ignite new sparks of power to move forward with more excitement, vibrance and passion in your relationship.
You’ll regain respect for each other and see each other in a new light, or in the brightness that was there in the beginning
Don’t let your relationship move to the back burner. Use this guide to help you reprioritize your relationship and reignite the fire….and keep it going!
What You’ll Find Inside the Guide:
Part 1 – Prioritize Your Relationship
Do you prioritize your relationship? In Part 1 you’ll learn 14 ways to commit to putting LOVE first every day and at the top of every list.
Not all of the suggestions will be feasible all the time, but take note of some that you could, or really should put forth effort toward. (Note: Each suggestion that mentions taking time for something could be just a few moments!)
Part 2 – Know Your Partner Best
How well do you know your partner? Do you know your partner’s strongest desires and needs? How close do you come to giving gifts your mate loves, planning dates that appeal to your partner’s interests, avoiding their pet peeves?
See how well you can answer 22 questions about your partner in Part 2.
It might be fun to use this list for daily focuses for yourself to really make sure you know your partner; or use it together as a fun quiz or as nightly discussion topics.
Part 3 – Be a Generous Giver
Be good to your partner through thoughtful giving. You can be generous in multiple ways. In the guide you’ll find a list of ideas in several categories of giving, including:
- giving for special occassions
- spontaneous giving
- giving your time
- offering free time for your partner
- giving in BED
Part 4 – Make Decisions and Plans Together
Do you tend to leave your partner out?
Sure you will each make some decisions and plans for yourselves–relationships are meant to be interdependent after all–but remember you’re a TEAM, and act like it.
Even though I am the home school teacher and the one who spends the most time with our son, and actually because of those two facts, I make sure I discuss curriculum and scheduling with my husband–it’s a way to include him in the process. When we make sailing passages, even though my husband is the experienced life-long sailor and navigator we always discuss and decide routes–we are both “captains” and “mates”….although HE is definitely more worthy of the true title of Captain.
Also, think about any area where you have taken the upper hand and possibly left your partner out. You might think it’s appropriate, but I will challenge you to see it as an opportunity to connect!
And….if something has been a perpetual argument for you two, consider trying to bring it up again, now that you’ve strengthened your bond after practicing #1-3 above. 😉
5 – Protect Your Faith and Fidelity
How strong is your faith in your partner, and how strong is your own faithfulness?
Having sex with another person is not the only way to be unfaithful. Infidelity can occur physically, emotionally and spiritually (expressing a negative attitude about your partner with others). Some claim addiction qualifies as infidelity–choosing alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc., over your partner, or pressuring your partner to have sex to feed your sexual addiction and not for mutual pleasure.
Discover what to watch out for and 11 ways to safeguard your relationship.
How to Use The Guide:
Suggestion #1:
You could keep the guide to yourself and be the catalyst for positive change in your relationship.
Suggestion #2
Or you could share it with your partner, so you can both have lots of strategies to practice and bring more closeness, connection, joy and FUN to your relationship.
Either way, it could be fun to use it as a checklist for weekly goals or as a reference for when you have a specific need in your relationship.
Final Tips for Success
Don’t think you have to do everything in the guide to have a successful relationship! You probably already do several things from the lists. I compiled long lists so you would be equipped with lots of ideas to bring back sparks in YOUR relationship. It’s up to you which ones you WANT to try; and you know you, your partner, and your relationship better than anyone else, so try what you think might work first.
Then I challenge you to try some things you may have doubts about. You never know the impact of one small gesture.
Finally, I hope the guide really helps you boost your love life and feel more secure in your relationship!
If you would like to dive further into relationship enrichment or healing, I would love to help you out. Simply send me an email at You can drop a few details if you want to, and we can schedule a free consultation to see if you would feel comfortable working together either one-on-one or as a couple.
Enjoy your free guide and journey to BETTER LOVE.

Hi! I’m Jennifer, your life, love and wellness coach! I help men, women and couples figure out what’s keeping them from being happy and healthy so they can overcome those blocks and determine and implement steps to truly improve their lives, relationships, and physical and mental health. I’m a certified Professional Life Coach and Holistic Health Coach with a background in professional counseling. I’m ready to help you.
[…] And also take measures to cut out negativity. Avoid complaining, limit negative media, learn to parent peacefully and to manage conflicts peacefully with your partner. […]