Grab your FREE Summer Rejuvenation Guide and bonus recipe guide.
I’ve got a fantastic gift for you. I created a “Summer Rejuvenation Guide” and a “Summer Rejuvenation Recipe Guide”.
I am soooo happy to share them with you today.
I hope you’ll download and check them out right away. I think you’ll love them entirely, but you’ll get a ton of helpful tips just reading the Introduction and using the recipe guide to carry out your summer with some refreshing summer foods and self-care practices.
There is also a detox plan if your body is calling for some replenishing. If you’ve been with me for a while, you know my detox plans are all about nourishment, NOT deprivation, and boosting and supporting your body’s natural detoxification processes, NOT starving and weakening yourself.
No juice cleanse or fasting….however there ARE some great juice recipes for restoring your energy and gut health.
In my “Summer Rejuvenation Guide” you will learn about specific summer foods and self-care practices for:
- daily rejuvenation
- optimal health
- beautiful skin
- slowing the aging process
- improving gut health
- dealing with sugar cravings
- mineralizing your body
- boosting your body’s natural detoxification processes
- and MORE….
Here’s what you’ll find in the recipe guide:
Remember these are both FREE for you. You’ll receive the PDF guides ready to download in an email within 5-10 minutes of your click through.
I hope you enjoy them!
Live, love and be well.
Hi! I’m Jennifer, your life, love and wellness coach! I help men, women and couples figure out what’s keeping them from being happy and healthy so they can overcome those blocks and determine and implement steps to truly improve their lives, relationships, and physical and mental health. I’m a certified Professional Life Coach and Holistic Health Coach with a background in professional counseling. I’m ready to help you.