When you implement a holistic approach you can do better than just relieve your depression for a while, just improve your marriage, or just lose weight. You can learn to understand how all aspects of your life tie in together and totally transform how you experience life and honor your true desires.
Life, Love & Wellness Coaching Can Be A Beacon of Hope
You can go beyond your self-help endeavors, talk-therapy, or personal training and reach a level of health—mentally, physically, emotionally and relationaly—that brings you satisfaction and fulfillment. You could feel optimal contentment and happiness because you have considered and stepped up every area of your life. You can have it all—the body you want, the life you want, the love you want.
For couples, together you can experience a tremendous shift in your relationship. You can discover not just how to get along better, but how to truly understand and enjoy each other, meet each other’s needs, and step up your family life. Yes, you can bring back that loving feeling!
If you are working solo on your relationship, you can find joy and fulfillment in your own transformation and that momentum can carry over to everyone around you. Imagine how great it could feel to empower yourself to put your best self forward, exude that vibrance, and gently break down the resistance you face without even asking to be joined.
All of this is possible!
I’m Jennifer Stark, a certified life-strategies coach, holistic health and wellness coach, personal trainer and fitness instructor with a background in one-on-one and couples’ counseling. I help individuals and couples take a holistic look at their struggles—the blocks that keep them from experiencing happiness, vibrant health, and fulfilling love—and I empower them to take strong actions to meet their goals.
I tailor my coaching plans to meet each of my clients needs, but one thing I guarantee for everyone I work with is this: whether you want to lose weight, to feel more confident, to get your spouse to listen to you, to stop taking medications for your depression, anxiety or physical ailments, taking a holistic approach will bring you the best success in any one area you want to improve.
Call or email me today and let’s chat. I want to know what’s not going right for you and how I can help. I offer sessions via WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. (whatever online platform my clients feel comfortable using). Let’s talk and see if life, love and wellness coaching is right for you.
Jennifer Stark, M.S., CHHC, CLSC, CPT, CFI, and founder of Stark Wellness
jennifer@starkwellness.com (just click here) — WhatsApp for free International calls/texts #507 6413-0516
P.S. I also work with groups, a great way to reduce costs for individuals and form a supportive community for those involved; and feel free to ask about classes I offer and professional speaking engagements.